Day: May 24, 2021

Know you Steak Terms!Know you Steak Terms!

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If it’s your first time in a steakhouse, you will probably encounter a number of terms such as “angus” and “grass-fed” aside from the commonly heard yet confusing ones like “rare” and “medium rare.” Here are some of the terms that you need to know so you can make the right order when in a steakhouse or if you plan to buy meat from South Stream Market and cook it at home.


Angus is a breed of cow that is known for its smooth carnation-red beef. It is perfect for steak because it has close-grained texture and finely marbled fat. Angus steak is typically priced differently than other common beef types.


Grass-fed is another type of beef that comes from cows raised in open pastures. As the term suggests, the cattle are fed with grass, which makes their meat healthier than those grain-fed ones. Some people love grass-fed beef for its natural taste but others believe it lacks flavor.


Wagyu beef is from a particular Japanese cattle breed with the same name. Most of these cattle are grain-fed and their beef is favored for its rich flavor. Wagyu steak is high in healthy unsaturated fat and is served in high-class restaurants. 


Rare is a steak’s doneness level characterized by the meat’s core temperature of 120 to 130 degree Fahrenheit. Steaks are cooked rare has deep red color in the center while seared edges are pink.


Medium is the level of doneness when the steak is at 140 degree to 150 degree Fahrenheit. The middle part of the beef is pink in color and the rest is grey.

Well Done

A steak is well done when its internal temperature is at 160 to 170 degree Fahrenheit. The beef cut is grey in color when served.

Now that you know these terms, it is easier to choose your steak.

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